When it comes to weight loss, many people will rarely consider how hormone therapy can play a factor. The general population believe that all it takes is eating less and exercising more. Even though this is true for most people, this only applies to those who have normal hormone levels. Those who have perfect cortisol, thyroid, and insulin levels can carry on with their weight loss with a healthy diet and daily exercised. However, what about those who have imbalances in their hormone levels?

Almost anyone that has seen struggles with their weight loss also experience a battle with their hormonal imbalances. The truth of the matter is that once the hormone imbalances are figured out, weight loss becomes easier and results will show. However, the first step is to understand what these hormones do, and what we can do to restore them to a healthy level. Below we explore the three hormones and how they can be restored naturally with “at home hormone therapy” practices.

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High Cortisol

High cortisol is a direct result of chronic stress, a common epidemic in today’s age. It is closely associated with hard-to-lose belly fat, sugar cravings, and restless nights. The unfortunate fact about cortisol is that it is directly linked to the thyroid, estrogen in females, and testosterone in males. If not treated, it can severely affect the other hormones in the body as well.

The way to manage cortisol levels is taking the necessary steps to manage the body’s response to stress. Go outside for a walk, take a nap, or read a book — anything that you can find enjoyment to take your mind off of the stress.

hormone therapy for high cortisol

Manage your cortisol levels as a natural hormone therapy.

Low Thyroid

Another indicator of the struggles of weight loss can be attributed to a sluggish metabolism. Even though stress and high cortisol levels can slow down your thyroid, there are other causes including endocrine disruptors, Vitamin D deficiency, and the body’s response to gluten. The effects of low thyroid include weight gain, constant fatigue, and increased likeliness of depression.

Related:  What You Need to Know About Low Testosterone in Men and Weight Loss

You can restore your thyroid imbalance by focusing on the root causes of it. Getting rid of endocrine disruptors from your homes (they are found in the lining of many canned foods and some plastic water bottles), adding vitamin D supplements to your diet, and removing gluten-based foods from your diet can all help restore the thyroid levels. This makes for an easy and natural hormone therapy that can be done at home.

hormone therapy for low thyroid

Control your low thyroid as a natural hormone therapy.

Resistance to Insulin

When it comes to storing fat in our body, insulin is the hormone that controls it all. The problem with insulin is that one the body becomes numb to it, the body will store fat in other areas, most commonly the abdominal area.

The fix to restore insulin imbalances is quite easy — avoid added sugars in foods, and increase the consumption of fiber in your diet. These two simple solutions can greatly help the body, is very simple, and great as a natural hormone therapy.

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The thing about weight loss and hormone balance is that they go hand in hand. Restore hormone levels and you will see better results in weight loss; lose a couple pounds and the body may also restore the hormone levels naturally. If it seems like nothing is working, it is greatly advised to seek professional help. Come in and see Dr. Ben Evans and his specialized team and get the necessary hormone therapy for you today!

hormone therapy for insulin imbalances

Restore your insulin imbalances as a natural hormone therapy.

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