Suboxone Support

Men's Vitality Center

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Questions about how long suboxone treatment lasts for, or if suboxone is truly safe? Explore our knowledge base here of frequently asked questions (FAQs) to get a better understanding on why this process is highly recommended for our patients.

Is Suboxone treatment just trading one addiction for another?

No. With successful buprenorphine treatment, the compulsive and addictive behavior to the control of the drugs will vanish. Withdrawal symptoms such as cravings, sweats, emotional swings will also disappear with successful treatment.

What types of drugs are opioids?

Some of the more common opioids are oxycontin, percocet, palladone, vicodin, percodan, tylox, demerol, heroine, and methadone.

How do opioids work In the brain?

Opioids will seek out opioid receptors and attach to them, which leads to a release of dopamine. This also causes feelings of euphoria to occur.


Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly are opioid receptors?

These are protein molecules that exist on the surface of nerve cell membranes. They provide a way for the body to experience the effects of opioids.

What is an opiate withdrawal?

Withdrawals from opiates consists of predictable signs and symptoms from the abrupt removal of the substance. These withdrawals will cause symptoms of sweats, emotional swings, failure to carry on complex tasks during the day, and more.

Why is counseling important in the treatment process?

Although buprenorphine only helps with the physical portion of the addiction cravings and withdrawal, the behavioral part is just as important to help patients understand how, when, and why its used.

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