Opioid Addiction Treatment is to help individuals who are unable to stop themselves from the inappropriate use of prescription and illegal opiate drugs. Opioids are substances derived from the opium poppy or synthetic analogues with similar effects. Examples include morphine, heroin, tramadol, oxycodone or methadone. Opioids are likely to cause dependence characterized by a strong desire to consume the product, impaired ability to control its use, continued consumption despite its deleterious consequences, and a withdrawal reaction in case of stoppage of the product.

Opiates can cause short-term health effects which appear quite soon after a dose and last a few hours.  Effects such as an increase in body temperature, dry mouth, and a heavy feeling in their limbs. The user then spends the next few hours alternating from a wakeful to a drowsy state until the drug wears off.  Opiates can also cause serious health complications such as fatal overdose.

What Regular Use of Opiates Can Do To You

Regular use of opiates leads to a buildup of a user’s tolerance. This means that the user must increase their subsequent dose of opiates to achieve the same effect as before. As the user increases their dose and its frequency over time, they develop physical dependence and addiction. Their body has acclimated to the drug use, and has grown to depend on the presence of drugs in order to function properly. If the user stops the drug flow, uncomfortable and even dangerous withdrawal symptoms may occur. Death from opiate addiction often occurs when a user who has been off opiates for some time resumes taking the same amount of drug they are used to.

Related:  Approved Medication and Treatment for Opioid-Induced Symptoms

Opiates also have long-term effects that appear after repeated use over a long period of time. Addicts who have been using for a long period of time often ignore their health because the only thing that matters is getting more of that drug. This self-neglect can take the form of not eating and ignoring personal hygiene, which makes the user more susceptible to disease. Longtime users may develop collapsed veins, infections in their heart and valves, and liver disease. Because opiates depress respiration, pulmonary complications, such as pneumonia, may occur in longtime users due to respiratory depression and the poor health of the drug user. All of this leads to one solution — seeking for opioid addiction treatment.

opioid addiction treatment with suboxone

Don’t let opiates control your life, get help with opioid addiction treatment.

How This Addiction Can Be Treated with Suboxone

It would seem the odds are against addiction treatment, but Suboxone treatment relieves this problem since the guidelines to prescribe the drug is more relaxed and offer greater flexibility so addicts are advised to seek medical help.

Related:  How to Prevent or Treat Opiate Overdose from Happening

Suboxone contains two active substances, buprenorphine and naloxone, both used to treat dependence on opioid drugs. The drug binds to opioid receptors, and thus produces welcoming effects of euphoria, and a secure comforting feeling. The effects of these active substances are sufficient to allow addicts to stop the misuse of opiates, without encountering withdrawal symptoms. Suboxone has less risk of respiratory problems and there is also lower risk of overdose 

If interested for personal help or help with a family member or loved one recover, please get in contact with us today. Don’t hesitate and wait a minute longer to get help to kick this addiction.

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